Monday, August 08, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Battlefield 1 Producer Confirms 3D Spotting And Auto Healing To Remain In The Game

DICE held a closed alpha for Battlefield 1 last month, which gave them time to get some valuable feedback on game balance- and there have been, since then, rumors circulating that a lot of things that were present in the alpha would be gone in the final game in response to player feedback.

Taking to Twitter, DICE LA Producer David Sirland confirmed that features such as 3D spotting and auto-healing, which were present in the alpha, will definitely make it into the final game- though he did note that they might be changed and modified in response to player feedback, and in the interests of game balance.

Sirland did, however, concede that 3D spotting is a bit overpowered at the moment – especially passive 3D spotting – implying that it may be significantly changed or nerfed come the release of the final game. He also responded to some of the criticism DICE has received for including the feature in the first place, explaining how the developers intended for the feature to be used, and how they meant for it to work.

On the whole, it sounds like DICE are going to stick to their vision for what Battlefield 1 will be- at the same time, it also is clear that they are responding to player feedback, and will do their best to ensure that the final game is not unbalanced, and that it remains fun to play. Lets just hope they can pull off the balancing act properly.


Bald Bouncer

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