Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bald Bouncer

F1 2016 Will Run At 1080p On PS4 And 900p On Xbox One, 60fps On Both

One big feature of this generation of console games has been the emphasis on resolution- apparently, the number of dots and lines that your console displays on your TV screen is now extremely important. Both Sony and Microsoft have propagated the problem with their announcements, statements, and marketing, and with the upcoming launch of the PS4 NEO and the Xbox One Scorpio, the problem only looks to get worse, as we’ll probably be in for a lot of backtracking by fanboys on both sides of the console war.

But until that happens, with the Scorpio presumably turning the tables on PlayStation, we are stuck with the consoles we have now. And the consoles we have now see the PlayStation 4 being indisputably more powerful than the Xbox One- something that is evident in how most multiplatform games manage to run at a higher resolution on Sony’s system.

Take, for instance, the upcoming F1 2016– in an interview Codemasters confirmed that the game will run at 1080p on PS4, but only 900p on the Xbox One. Happily, it sounds like they chose to take a hit on the resolution for the Xbox One version to maintain their 60fps framerate- which is far more important for a racing game anyway.

“We’ll be running 60fps on both platforms, 1080p on PS4 and 900p on Xbox One,” they said.

In the end, I’m far more excited about the 60 frames per second, as well as the litany of new and returning gameplay modes, confirmed for F1 2016, which launches later this month on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.


Bald Bouncer

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