Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Bald Bouncer

PlayStation VR Game Prices Revealed Via PSN

The long prevalent question of just how much we can expect to pay for the average PlayStation VR title has finally been answered, what with Sony putting multiple PlayStation VR games up on the PSN Store - this has revealed to us just how much we will need to pay, on average, for a PSVR game.

It seems like highly anticipated PlayStation VR games, such as RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, and PlayStation VR Worlds, will set players back by as much as $55 (which is the price for RIGS)- at minimum, players can expect to part with at least $18 for a PlayStation VR game, with Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, the PlayStation VR exclusive follow up to Sony’s surprise 2015 hit, surprisingly being among the cheapest games on offer.

PlayStation VR is due out on October 13 for $399 for the SKU without the PlayStation Move and PlayStation Camera, and $499 for those two included.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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