Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Developer Says The City In The Game Is Massive

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst‘s release is only a few days off now, and ahead of its release, we are hearing more and more about the title from the fine folks at DICE, who are sharing all sorts of information about the sequel that not many people ever expected to happen.

Gameplay Producer Jeremy Miller recently spoke in an interview about the city in the game, describing the city in the game, which is semi open world, as ‘massive,’ though he did neglect to give any more details about the size; since he hasn’t compared the size of the city to other game worlds, it’s hard to know exactly how big it is, but nonetheless, it is good to know that the developers have designed a large enough playground for the player’s parkouring feats.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be launching on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on June 7, after a number of delays.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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