Thursday, June 09, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Watch Dogs 2 New Gameplay Video Shows off Gadgets, Hacking, Interactive World

Ubisoft have officially confirmed the next installment in the Watch_Dogs series will be arriving later this year. Players will take the role of Marcus Holloway who seems to be a far more interesting character than Aiden from the original game. The main focus in Watch_Dogs 2 besides the hacking is the improved interactivity with NPCs and various world objects and environments.

A 7 minute video showcasing several gameplay elements from Watch_Dogs 2 hit Youtube a few hours ago. The video shows off the game’s several mechanics such as hacking, driving and general interactivity. Watch_Dogs 2 will also feature controllable gadgets such as the copter or drive-able robots to create distractions, take down enemies or carry out simple tasks such as opening a door.

You can check the footage below. Watch_Dogs 2 launches this November for the PS4, Xbox One and PC. Did this footage intrigued you? Let us know in the comments below.


Bald Bouncer

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