Friday, August 12, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Battlefield 1 New Trailer Shows Us Tanks, Planes, And Everything In Between

DICE have released a brand new trailer for their upcoming game, Battlefield 1. The World War 1 era shooter is notable in being the first major AAA game to tackle that time period and setting, and DICE are taking it upon themselves to be as faithful and authentic in recreating it for the player as is possible.

That dedication apparently exists to the vehicles in the game, too- as the brand new trailer released for the game, which you can see for yourself below, attests to, DICE have been recreating all the various vehicles used in warfare during this era, from tanks to planes, and everything in between, authentically too. A lot of it actually looks very exciting- it certainly is the most exciting depiction of World War 1 I have seen yet.

Battlefield 1 will launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on October 21. You can check out the new trailer for it for yourself below.


Bald Bouncer

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