Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Bald Bouncer

BF Insiders Get Early Beta Access and In-Game Rewards

It looks like DICE are planning on doing good by their most loyal customers and players, come the launch of their upcoming World War 1 shooter, Battlefield 1. Speaking on Twitter via the official Battlefield 1 account, DICE revealed that they are planning on rewarding exclusive early access to the game’s beta, as well as in game rewards, for BF Insiders.

The tweet also asks players to select their platform of choice, meaning that this offer is not limited to only certain platforms or anything of that nature- no matter what your system of choice is, you should be able to join in on the fun, as long as you are a BF Insider.

Battlefield 1 is due out on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC later this year, in October.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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