Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Destiny Weekly Reset: Shield Brothers Nightfall, Heroic Strike Modifiers and More

The weekly reset has come and gone, like a stranger through the door, in Bungie’s Destiny and it brings some familiar activities wrapped up in even more familiar modifiers. The Nightfall this week is the Shield Brothers strike on the Dreadnaught with Epic, Catapult, Fresh Troops, Airborne and Matchgame modifiers. Translation: Grenades and jumping are your friends with the reduced cooldown that Catapult provides and the increased damage of Airborne. Keep an eye on the Matchgame modifiers since enemies not hit by the right elemental damage will be immune.

The Heroic Strike playlist’s modifiers include Heroic, Void Burn, Fresh Troops and Catapult. Basically, it’s just like the Nightfall except Void classes will have a ball with their grenades. That goes double for Nightstalker and Voidwalker Supers.

The Challenge of the Elders is back with another completely randomized set-up featuring Juggler and Specialist as modifiers and bonus points for precision kills. Bosses include Keksis the Betrayed, Seditious Mind and Noru’usk, Servant of Oryx. Finally, for King’s Fall raiders, the Challenge mode this week is Oryx.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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