Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Battlefield 4 All Expansions Now Free On All Systems

Ahead of the launch of Battlefield 1, the next major entry in DICE and EA’s first person shooter series, all expansions for Battlefield 4, the previous entry in the series, which launched in 2013, have now been made available for absolutely free on all systems.

The five expansions are China Rising, Second Assault, Naval Strike, Dragon’s Teeth, and Final Stand– together, they represent some of the most impressive post launch support that a shooter has ever received, and are representative of DICE’s singular commitment to Battlefield 4 after its rocky launch, which is probably responsible for salvaging that game and for retaining player loyalty in spite of everything. It also probably helps that the core of Battlefield 4, the moment to moment gameplay, was always great fun.

You can get these expansion packs for free through to September 19, which is this coming Monday. Battlefield 1, meanwhile, will launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this October.


Bald Bouncer

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