Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Ni-Oh Launching February 9 2017 Worldwide

The long awaited Ni-Oh is almost finally here- although it will be missing its projected release window by just a few months. At Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show PlayStation Japan conference, Tecmo Koei confirmed that Ni-Oh will be launching worldwide on February 9 in 2017.

This actually completely stacks up February with an almost unreasonable amount of games- on PS4 alone, February will have Horizon: Zero Dawn, Persona 5, and now Ni-Oh next year (in the west, at least- Japan doesn’t have to worry about Persona 5 then, they get it tomorrow). And all three of these are going to be long, lengthy games demanding quite a bit of investment! This isn’t even counting multiplatform games, or games on other systems.

Ni-Oh‘s delay (because that is what this is) is presumably to incorporate more of the feedback from the game’s betas into the final game. Given just how great the development seems to be coming along, if this results in a superior final product, I will be fine with it.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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