Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Overwatch Patch Nerfs Mercy POTGs, Increases Eichenwalde Payload Speed

Tired of Mercy getting Play of the Game with her Resurrect ability and negating your quintuple kill? A new patch went live for Overwatch yesterday that should fix that. The patch notes don’t explain how but note that players “should now see fewer Plays of the Game featuring Mercy’s Resurrection ability”. It also increased the payload speed on Eichenwalde following feedback that defenders had too much of an advantage on the map.

Other updates include a new Match Complete screen for competitive matches, replacing the Round Complete screen when a match is over. Bug fixes also abound including one that prevented triple kills from being announced after three or more kills; players obtaining skill ratings that were higher than their actual rating; and Junkrat’s RIP-Tire not receiving credit for kills and other figures. There’s also the routine fix for Reaper Shadow Stepping to unintended locations, this time on Hollywood.

What are your thoughts on the changes? Let us know in the comments.


Bald Bouncer

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