Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Pokemon Sun/Moon New Trailer introduces Two New Ultra Beasts

Another day, another new trailer for the upcoming Pokemon Sun/Moon. At this point, The Pokemon Company are sharing new information for the game on a startlingly regular basis, sharing more tidbits about what promises to be the most radical departure from norms that the Pokemon series has had yet. And that’s the case with today’s update, too.

Today’s update is a brand new trailer, a short one, showcasing two new Ultra Beasts- Absorption and Beauty, each exclusive to Sun and Moon respectively. Notably, we see the Ultra Beasts, the enigmatic new threat that was introduced to us with the last update for the game. Notably, the Ultra Beasts are still not being referred to as Pokemon, which is interesting because Pokemon usually refers to just about everything as a Pokemon- so if the Ultra Beasts are not being referred to as that, could that mean they are not Pokemon? If so, what are they?

Pokemon Sun/Moon launch exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS on November 18 in North America and Japan, and on November 23 in Europe.


Bald Bouncer

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