Friday, September 16, 2016

Bald Bouncer

The Division Update 1.4 Adding World Tiers, Tuning Enemy Difficulty and Rewards

Ubisoft Massive has unveiled quite the feature for Tom Clancy’s The Division update 1.4 arrives in October. To allow for better rewards and freedom to play any activity that players want, the update will add World Tiers. These four tiers are broken up into Gear Score: 0-163, 164-183, 184-203 and 204-229. When inside these tiers, you will receive items at the exact same Gear Score with a chance for higher Gear Score items to drop. Named bosses will also be returning to the open world and they will drop max Gear Score items within that tier all the time.

Enemy levels have also been tuned. Each tier has a corresponding enemy level – tier 1 is level 30, tier 2 is level 31 and so on up to level 33. There will be no level 34 and 35 enemies. Furthermore, the different modes will now offer more loot drops than before though Massive hasn’t specified how many exactly. With enemy health and player damage being tuned, the emphasis will now be on enemy composition and tactics over inflated health and damage pools of enemies.

Check out the recent blog post by the developer for more information. Massive is also looking to launch its Public Test Server next week so stay tuned for more information.


Bald Bouncer

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