Call of Duty may have gone to Sony, but Microsoft get to market and co-brand with Battlefield – and ahead of the release of the extremely promising seeming Battlefield 1, it seems like they’re going to be leveraging that fully with the release of three new Battlefield 1 bundles, all including an Xbox One S console and a copy of the game, some of them including some sexy new colors for the already good looking console.
Battlefield 1 will be getting PS4 Pro enhancements, so that the already incredible looking game looks even better- but those enhancements will also be extended to Xbox One owners, at least to some degree, and at least to some of them. EA and DICE have confirmed that the Xbox One version of Battlefield 1 will be getting updated with HDR support for Xbox One S systems.
This means that if you are playing Battlefield 1 on an Xbox One S – which you might be, especially because of all the excellent Battlefield 1 Xbox One S bundles recently announced – then you’re going to be able to experience the game with HDR support. And as we’ve been saying since last week, HDR really does make a dramatic difference in image quality (and you don’t have to believe us- Sony themselves have been saying the same thing, too!).
It’s not yet clear if HDR support will also trickle back to standard PS4 owners- but given that Sony announced that HDR will be coming to PS4 and PS4 Slim systems later eventually via a firmware update, I don’t see why it would not be.