Monday, October 24, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Infinite Warfare Multiplayer – Support System For Scorestreaks Won’t Return

Last year’s Black Ops 3 made the somewhat controversial move of removing the support system for scorestreaks from its multiplayer mode- but if you were expecting Infinite Warfare to go back on that, well, you’ll be disappointed. Developers Infinity Ward confirmed to We Write Things that Infinite Warfare will not have a support system for scorestreaks either.

“No, players won’t see the return of support system for scorestreaks in Infinite Warfare,” Infinity Ward’s Director of Communications Eric Monacelli said. “But the Warfighter Combat Rig has a trait called Persistence that will grant players abilities similar to the support system.

“With Persistence equipped, scorestreaks no longer reset when you die, but they take higher point values to attain. However, players can only earn each of their Scorestreaks once per match,” Monacelli said.

This is undoubtedly going to disappoint a lot of long time players- but between Black Ops 3 and now Infinite Warfare, it’s clear that this is a decision that Call of Duty intends to stick to. Players best get used to it.


Bald Bouncer

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