Saturday, January 28, 2017

Bald Bouncer

Alice Madness Returns and Shadows of the Damned Now on Backwards Compatibility

Microsoft continues its initiative to bring the best of the Xbox 360’s library on to the Xbox One, via their excellent backwards compatibility initiative. The latest additions to the service include Alice: Madness Returns, the trippy sequel to the original Alice by American McGee. That original game is actually included as free DLC for Alice: Madness Returns, so you basically get both games playable on the Xbox One here.

Alice isn’t the only trippy game being made playable on Xbox One, either- Suda51’s Shadows of the Damned is also now playable on the console. The game, which was a collaboration between Suda, Shinji Mikami (of Resident Evil fame), and Akira Yamaoka (of Silent Hill fame), is an excellent outing- so do be sure to give it a go if you haven’t already.

The final game of this batch is Rocket Knight, the 2010 Sega game. This one wasn’t actually all that great, but if you’ve a hankering for some old school Sega style gaming, it’s not the worst find you could pick up, either.


Bald Bouncer

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