Thursday, January 05, 2017

Bald Bouncer

The Witcher 3 Super Turbo Lighting Mod 2.3 Will Release Soon

The Witcher 3 may not have a modding scene as active as, say, Skyrim, but there are still a fair few mods for it released. A lot of them target the game’s graphical performance (which, I mean, come on- the game is already stunning), including the Turbo Lighting Mod.

The Turbo Lighting Mod 2.3 will see a release within the next week or two, its maker confirmed on Twitter. This mod essentially makes the game look closer to what it did in the trailers before its infamous downgrade, by introducing a new lighting system. You can actually check out a screenshot from the game running with the mod activated above. The new lighting system, however, will not be applicable to the Toussaint region, from the latest expansion for the game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and its expansions Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine are now all available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC worldwide.


Bald Bouncer

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