Friday, June 10, 2016

Bald Bouncer

It Sounds Like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Will Have A Lot Of Endings

Not so long ago, Bioware promised a lot of endings for Mass Effect 3, the conclusion to their trilogy- they promised that every decision the player had made, not just through the course of Mass Effect 3, but also the previous two games, would come into play, for dozens upon dozens of ending permutations.

That didn’t happen, and from that day forth, we’ve been wary of any developer who tries to sell us on how many endings their game may have. Which is the case now, when Eidos Montreal executive game director Jean Francois Dugas talked about just how many ending states Deus Ex: Mankind Divided may have in an interview with Gamespot.

“The last narrative map of the game, I’m not going into the details because we’re not talking about that today, but it was a nightmare,” he said. “You get to the last map and you have a choice and you do this with that or that or that. It’s things that you might have discovered through the journey or not that might give you possibilities within the endings, or not at all. It’s a completed mess.”

I don’t know how much of that I want to buy into- even a game as lauded as The Witcher 3, while technically having over thirty different ending states, only really had three endings. For all we know, minor variations are all that exist, padding up the numbers here.

Then again, he may just be telling the truth- we won’t know till the game is out, on August 23 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.


Bald Bouncer

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