Friday, June 10, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Xbox Live Multiplayer Free This Weekend

Do you own an Xbox? Well, then listen up- Xbox Live multiplayer will be free to all this weekend, starting now through to Sunday, June 12 (which is the start of E3). This isn’t just limited to Xbox One owners either, as Xbox 360 players get to join in on the fun, too.

And what do you play during this time that you have access to free online? Why, you can play Rocket League, which is one of the best games on the Xbox One. What’s that? You don’t have Rocket League? Well, never fear- until Sunday, Rocket League is free to everyone, too, but only until Sunday. In that period, though, you can play as a car playing soccer to your heart’s content.

What if you decide you like Rocket League, and want to keep it? Well, the good news is, it’s on sale! You can get it for 10% off from now until Sunday, if you upgrade to Gold and buy it. So, you know- you’re covered on all fronts. Now go play some games.


Bald Bouncer

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