Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bald Bouncer

Destiny Weekly Reset: King’s Fall Triple Challenge, Dust Palace Nightfall

One more week until Destiny’s next big expansion Rise of Iron releases and to help players complete their Year Two Moments of Triumph record books, all three Challenge Modes for the King’s Fall raid are now live. Completing these is essential for earning three Calcified Fragments and collecting all 50 contributes to a single Triumph.

The Nightfall this week is Dust Palace with Epic, Void Burn, Brawler, Ground and Tricle active. Essentially, this is one of the more horrible configurations when Nightfall rewards aren’t up to snuff. Grounded ensures you take more damage while jumping. Trickle severely limits the abilities you can use. If the Strike contains too many Taken, then Void Burn will make life miserable. Skip it for the life of you.

The Heroic Strike playlist is more forgiving with Solar Burn, Berserk, Heroic and Small Arms active. Challenge of the Elders features Catapult and Juggler with Grenade Kill bonus active. Bosses for this activity include Keksis the Betrayed, Seditious Mind and Noru’usk, Servant of Oryx.

Head here for more information on weekly bounties, who’s taking what material and more.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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