Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Bald Bouncer

PS4 System Update 4.0 Releasing Today, Adds HDR

Along with the release of the PS4 Slim today, Sony will be releasing update 4.0 that adds a ton of different features to the core PS4 experience. One of the bigger additions is High Dynamic Range imaging or HDR for PS4 games, thus improving the overall range of luminescence for lighting and creating a more realistic looking scene. PS4 Pro will be out in November but this update allows for lots of HD streaming options including 1080p streaming for Remote Play on PC and Xperia, 1080p streaming on Share Play, 1080/30 FPS streaming on Twitch and so on.

The update also adds Folders, thus allowing you to place your games and apps into a single location for easy access. Quick Menu is now customizable as well, allowing you to access features like Spotify without having to leave your game. You can also now transfer data from one PS4 to another using a LAN cable.

We’ll update you on when exactly update 4.0 is live for various regions so stay tuned for more information. You can read more about the update here.

Source: Rheena.com

Bald Bouncer

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